IBM ThinkPad                                               May 6, 2002
Audio Features V for Windows 95/98

Version 4.12.4032

What This Package Does
The Audio Features enables or updates the audio function.

This release supports the following systems:
   - ThinkPad A21e (2628,2655)
   - ThinkPad A22e Celeron Model 
   - ThinkPad A30, A30p
   - ThinkPad T23
   - ThinkPad X22, X23, X24

Released Version
Version 4.12.4026    Initial release
Version 4.12.4026.1118    Fix for a problem
Version 4.12.4029    Add Support for T23
Version 4.12.4032    Fix for problems
                     Add Support for A30, A30p, X22, X23, X24

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn>  Package version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
       (New)   New function or enhancement
       (Fix)   Correction to existing function

 - (New) Support for DirectX7
 - (New) Support for ThinkPad A21e (2628) (Windows 95, Windows 98)

 - (Fix) Corrected the Maximum Volume Settings
 - (New) Add Support for ThinkPad A21e (2655) (Windows 95, Windows 98)
 - (New) Add Support for ThinkPad A22e Celeron Model (Windows 95, 
         Windows 98)

 - (New) Add Support for ThinkPad T23 (Windows 95, Windows 98)
 - (New) Add Support for ThinkPad Software Installer (Windows 98)

 - (Fix) Write protection error when updating from version 4.12.4029 
 - (Fix) Reduced driver file size
 - (New) Add Support for ThinkPad A30, A30p, X22, X23, X24 (Windows 95, 
         Windows 98)

Caution: The DirectX7 is pre-requisite for this driver under Windows 

Installation Instructions   
First time Install
 1. Start Windows 95/98.
 2. Extract the audio driver for Windows 95/98 to the hard disk drive. 
 3. Click Start, then click Run. In the Run dialog window, type the 
    path that you extracted the files to.  
 4. Double-click setup.exe.  The startup message appears and then 
    disappears.  A Dialog box appears welcoming you to the installer. 
 5. Click Next, a Dialog box appears showing the progress as Setup 
    copies the driver files to the startup disk.  A dialog box appears 
    telling you that the installation is complete.  
 6. Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now. 
 7. Click Finish.  Your computer restarts and loads the new driver.

To update the audio driver
 1. Start Windows 95/98.
 2. Extract the audio driver for Windows 95/98 to the hard disk drive. 
 3. Click Start, then click Run. In the Run dialog window, type the 
    path that you extracted the files to.  
 4. Double-click setup.exe.  The startup message appears and then 
    disappears.  A Dialog box appears welcoming you to the installer
    and telling you that a driver is already installed. 
 5. Click Next.  A dialog box appears asking you whether you want to 
    update or remove the existing driver. 
 6. Click Update. 
 7. Click Next.  Setup marks the driver files for deletion.  A dialog 
    box appears telling you that the first half of the update is 
 8. Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now.  
 9. Click Finish.  A dialog box appears reminding you that Setup will 
    automatically run again to finish the update after your computer 
10. Click OK.  Your computer restarts and deletes the driver files 
    that were marked for deletion. Then Setup runs automatically to 
    install the new driver.  A dialog box appears showing the progress 
    as Setup copies the driver files to the startup disk.  Another 
    dialog box appears telling you that the second half of the update 
    is complete.
11. Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now.
12. Click Finish. Your computer restarts and loads the new driver.

Confirming the driver 
 1. Click Device Manager.
 2. Click Sound, Video and game controllers.
 3. Confirm the following Crystal devices are present:
    Crystal Audio Codec 
    Crystal Audio Codec Game Device

Uninstall Instructions   
 1. Start Windows 95/98.
 2. Extract the audio driver for Windows 95 to the hard disk drive. 
 3. Click Start, then click Run. In the Run dialog window, type the 
    path that you extracted the files to.  
 4. Double-click setup.exe.  The startup message appears and then 
    disappears.  A Dialog box appears welcoming you to the installer
 5. Click Next. A dialog box appears asking you whether you want to 
    update or remove the existing driver. 
 6. Click Remove. 
 7. Click Next.  Setup marks the driver files for deletion. Then a 
    dialog box appears telling you that the removal is complete.
 8. Click Yes, I want to restart my computer now. 
 9. Click Finish.  Your computer restarts and deletes the driver files 
    that were marked for deletion.

Determining which version is installed 
 1. Select Crystal Audio Codec, click the Properties button.
 2. Click Driver.
 3. Check the driver date.

    Driver Date    Driver Version 
     8-30-2000     4.12.4026
    11-18-2000     4.12.4026.1118
    04-26-2001     4.12.4029
    08-21-2001     4.12.4032

  * IBM and ThinkPad are trademarks of IBM Corporation.
  * Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

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